Lily's Wellness Lounge

My Journey with Celiac Disease

Gluten Free Lifestyle

Gluten-Free Lifestyle my journey with celiac disease Uncovering Celiac Disease Throughout my early childhood, I faced many health challenges that left me apprehensive of my ability to overcome the barriers that interfered with my quality of life. I would often stay home from school or activities because I felt unwell. Despite my family’s best efforts, we were left with unanswered questions as to what had a chokehold on my life. I’d seen various doctors who failed to diagnose my condition. When I was six, I underwent an allergy skin prick test. I was confused why various needles were painfully poking my back. The healthcare professional administering these pricks didn’t provide any comfort and I left the clinic in tears: Those test results came back revealing no answers. When I was eleven, I went to OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital for another round of testing. I was prepared to spend my life with constant illness as this struggle has been ongoing for as long as I could remember. However, my blood test results revealed a diagnosis for what had been consuming my life for the past eleven years: Celiac disease. Life After My Diagnosis Living with my new diagnosis did not come easy. This new lifestyle challenged me physically, mentally, and emotionally. In 2012, I had to learn about what a gluten allergy entailed in a society where it was not as commonly understood as it is presently. There were hard days when my peers would taunt my diagnosis, which made me feel isolated. I found it difficult to comprehend why I was different. However, these struggles transformed into strength as I became resilient while facing obstacles. I sought out opportunities to enhance my knowledge of celiac disease and made conscious decisions. As I embraced my differences, my abilities to acknowledge diversity, embrace equity, be empathetic, and cultivate an inclusive environment grew. I took the initiative to improve my health and my mistakes became learning opportunities. I established a responsibility to care for others, directing me towards my dream of becoming a healthcare professional. Discovering My Dream of Becoming A Physical Therapist When I was an adolescent, my time as a physical therapy patient instilled confidence in my abilities to care for myself but also gave me the tools to succeed after being discharged. My passion for physical therapy ignited as this profession motivated me to approach my health goals and redefine my perceived limitations. I learned that physical therapy does not simply label a disability but guides patients through overcoming challenges. My experiences as a patient ignited my ambition to empower others in this way. Allergies shaped my life by enabling me to take the initiative in writing my own story, providing me with confidence in my abilities to face any challenges, fueling my ambition to impact others, and directing me towards my dream of becoming a physical therapist. As a woman living with celiac disease, I value the commitment to patient health, as I understand how meaningful that support is when nurturing one to feel empowered to embrace their life.

Top 5 Essentials for Fitness at Home

Personal Training

Fitness Top 5 Essentials for fitness At Home One of the biggest struggles I had as an undergraduate student and employee was finding the time to make it to the gym. There were days that I would work bright and early, then immediately rush to classes and work on homework for the rest of the day. However, I was determined to stay active and keep up with my fitness goals. Then the idea hit me: If I cannot make it to the gym, why not bring the gym to me? I over complicated this idea, at first, thinking that I needed to purchase an entire weight rack. After some research and brainstorming, I realized that I COULD fit a workout into my busy schedule even on days that I couldn’t squeeze in the time for the gym. Here is where my brainstorming led me: Resistance Bands Resistance band training is an effective way to build muscle and lose weight! If you’re looking to build muscle and achieve a nice toned look, this is definitely a great way to go. Resistance band training enables your core muscles, improves flexibility, enhances muscle endurance, and is great for functionality. There is plenty of research that supports the use of resistance bands for fitness and the benefits that come with. You can use these bands for your legs, arms, abs, and more. An easy way to stay on your fitness grind especially if you have a busy schedule. Yoga Yoga is extremely beneficial for your body, specifically balance, strength, posture, and flexibility. Not only did practicing yoga help my overall physique, but it provided time for mindfulness. I noticed a decline in my stress levels and anxiety. There is a reason yoga is so trendy: It amplifies your body and mind at the same time! Dumbbell Weights For the longest time I thought I had to go to the gym to use weights, but after buying an affordable set I can never use that as an excuse again. Buying my own set of weights was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Dumbbell weights increased my strength, improved my range of motion, and built my core on top of many other fitness improvements. Even a lighter weight set can make a difference as light weights can help your function, form, and reduce chances of injury. Outdoor Walk or Run One of my favorite workouts is a simple walk or run outside. There are many physical and mental benefits of this exercise. I often refer to this as “free therapy” because of how much running and walking improves cognitive function along with physical health and immunity. I bought a pair of New Balance running shoes that I dedicate to my walks and runs so that I am properly supporting my joints during this activity. Staying active is the key to longevity. Jump Rope I knew all the jump roping I did as a child would pay off when I bought my first jump rope. Jump roping is an amazing full-body workout that is one of my favorite forms of cardio. Jump roping is also an enjoyable way to improve coordination and increase your muscle strength, which can help support weight loss and boost immunity. I wear my running shoes for this exercise because it optimally supports my joints and technique. While I primarily get my workouts in at the gym, I love having these options and the ability to switch it up when I feel like an at-home workout or have a busy schedule. I even have found myself taking the resistance band, yoga mat, running shoes, and jump rope with me to the gym and utilizing them there. If you’re looking for an effective way to optimize and expand your fitness levels, give these a try or CLICK HERE to view my at-home fitness amazon storefront suggestions!

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